Thursday 15 December 2016

Ode to 2016

The year 2016 is soon going to bid its farewell to us. God knows what 2017 has in store for us. And for the umpteenth time, am i going to let this year be closing with the same old thought of "What the hell have i been doing with my life?". I do not wish to live life just standing still and watching life passing by as just another day goes by another day, and suddenly a damned whole year will soon end.

The truth is, I dont think I have wasted my whole 2016, I mean, I did accomplish few things, but my abysmal consistency in life did drowned my head lots more than I could count with my whole set of twenty fingers. Its like I drowned so many times, but several times I did manage to resurface.

I would be lying to say I felt nothing about the way I lived my life. I felt remorse, depressed, disappointed and ashamed altogether mixed in a giant bowl of Why Do I Let Myself Become a Loser? But I guess I died so many times that eventually I always failed to maintain feeling something about my life for more than twenty minutes.

So, 2016 is the year when:

-my cat Itam died after fighting a stupid evil venomous snake. He saved my family from that snake and was martyred instead. He was a hero, everybody cried for him. I am gonna miss him always.

-I managed to pass the depressing test PANUM and got myself to join the KoAss/Dokter Muda bandwagon

-My body dysmorphia disorder just escalated and seems to know no stop sign. There was never a time when I do not fill my head with thoughts of wanting to get thin, and God I hate my body. I am forever 24 hours always scared of how many calories i put in my body. I have given up on sweetened and colored drinks now, I only drink plain water. But when you cut down your food, then along came the nemesis called 'craving'. I am weak, I gave in to craving and binge ate food. I am ashamed and embarassed to be seen eating foods, so I usually seek for place where I wont likely to find anybody and eat foods. When I have satisfied my stupid cravings, I purged. One time, I purged till it hurt my stomach so bad I want to faint. But I felt cleansed each time I purged. Sick, I know. I am planning to do Atkins as soon as 2017 set in.

-My love for my family just get stronger and stronger. I hope we stay as one unit forever.

-I survived lots of shits and didnt lose faith and hope.

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